Saturday, May 21, 2011

Searching for God knows What by Donald Miller

As I quite enjoyed listening to Donald Miller audiobook "Million miles in a thousand years" I thought I would check out some other of his books. I always enjoyed Miller's humor which brought in some deep thoughts as well.

While I was in London I had a chance to start reading Blue like Jazz, which is more about his search for truth and finding it, as Miller says, Christian spirituality. I was wondering why he didn't just say Christianity, but I guess that might be to broad and even have negative connotations when compared with some people in christian circles.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ted Dekker - The Bride Collector review

It's been way to long. But it seems I'm equally slow with reading as I am with writing new blog posts. Lately, I'm trying to finish Ted Dekker's The Bride Collector, but it's taking me longer then I was hopping for.

Although I've never read anything by Dekker before, except "The House" which was written by Dekker and Peretti, I was sure his books were great. Maybe because I saw the movie "Three" 2 years ago.