Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Francis Chan - Forgotten God

Few months ago I finally got 2 books by Francis Chan. Forgotten God and Erasing Hell. I've only had a chance to read the Forgotten God, and to be honest, it was so much less then I was expecting it to be. Don't get me wrong, it's an excellent book, but not at all what I was thinking it would be.

First what I liked. This seems like a good book to give to every new believer to read on the topic of God the Spirit. It is systematic enough to cover all the important aspects of life by faith and yet easy to read, unlike many other systematic manuals.

Somewhat random comment is his use of questions in the book. It felt like all he did was aks Q. Now, every now and then a good question can actually get you to think more about the given topic, but with this being Francis Chan writing style for this book, I was quite annoyed by most of them.

Secondly, I felt like what he did was a bit too much politically correct. When talking of things which are forgotten, you might want to know how it all came to pass. I'm really not into naming names, but I was hoping he would shed some light onto both sides, charismatic and conservative one, showing how both have forgotten what the Spirit's role is. At one point, it felt as if being a bestseller was a higher goal then saying things as they are. But then, this might just be my internal feeling. Maybe if I had spent more time asking and answering all those questions, I would have felt different about the book.

take care


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Books are always better then movies. Always. Period. But. For some reason I just can't find a flaw with this character of Conan Doyle. Not that he is perfect at all, but his logic and reasoning surpasses all his challenges, so much that it is almost boring for me to read the whole story, rather, i just want to know who is the murderer, the thief or how Holmes came to final conclusion. He walks into a room, makes a comment about Watson's undeveloped detective skills, and there he resolves the whole thing in about 3 minutes that he spent observing the crime scene. 

Now, what I miss is for him to struggle a bit more, to be puzzled beyond reality of understanding what cannot be seen by the untrained eye of a Scotland Yard overpaied and lazy police officer. Lack of attention to details is what Holmes doesn't suffer off, but his superiority is what makes him a too quick a read. Or maybe I just got used to Jo Nesbo and his detective Harry Hole who needs 300 or more pages to resolve a single criminal murder, and that is with much more effort and struggle. But at least you get to love or hate the poor guy. Not so with Holmes.

Enjoy your reading and tell me what you think.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Anne Rice - Christ the Lord - Out of Egypt

As i spoke to my dear friend Roger about good books that he recomends, he started talking about this one set of books which described Jesus' early life and made him fall in love with the Son of men even more. That was the first time i heard of Anne Rice and her novels, both titled Christ the lord, with different subtitles describing first his return from Egypt and then his life before his public ministry started. Me being a fan of good novels, even more historical novels, eagerly went to and preordered both books. Knowing they offer free shipping worldwide and have a great price for preorders, I got them both for $12 or less. Of course, not knowing what Anne Rice used to write about I had hard time ordering since all the results on first pages were of vampires. It took me some time to realize she was a famous vampire related novels writer. Good thing she's now done with that ;-]

Monday, September 19, 2011

Comeback with a book

Free Delivery on all Books at the Book DepositoryMany things have happened in the last few months since I wrote my last blog post. Many books I have read. Or at least I wish I have read. This is just a short note to say that I am well and alive and I'll be back with you folks in few days with some new books I got on my bookshelf, mostly bought at The, cheap and with free worldwide shipping. The only problem now being that I have at least 5 or 6 brand new books that I still haven't gotten a chance to read. Yet. But I will.

take care and read well


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Searching for God knows What by Donald Miller

As I quite enjoyed listening to Donald Miller audiobook "Million miles in a thousand years" I thought I would check out some other of his books. I always enjoyed Miller's humor which brought in some deep thoughts as well.

While I was in London I had a chance to start reading Blue like Jazz, which is more about his search for truth and finding it, as Miller says, Christian spirituality. I was wondering why he didn't just say Christianity, but I guess that might be to broad and even have negative connotations when compared with some people in christian circles.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ted Dekker - The Bride Collector review

It's been way to long. But it seems I'm equally slow with reading as I am with writing new blog posts. Lately, I'm trying to finish Ted Dekker's The Bride Collector, but it's taking me longer then I was hopping for.

Although I've never read anything by Dekker before, except "The House" which was written by Dekker and Peretti, I was sure his books were great. Maybe because I saw the movie "Three" 2 years ago.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Book review: Redbreast by Jo Nesbo

Some time ago I bought "Readbrest" by Jo Nesbo really cheep. It was translated into Croatian and less then $5 in my local grocery store. A lot of pages, so I said, why not. It's been a while since I read crime historical thriller anyways.

The book is one of many about Harry Hole, Norwegian police officer, this time chasing after a possible assassin who bought a very expensive but somehow he is driven to discover that it's all connected with some WW2 military men 50 years ago.